Fun Activites @ QVS

Simultaneous with academic learning, a school is a place to engage in fun activities because as they say, all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl! To ensure the 360 degree growth of our princesses, we encourage them to participate in a lot of activities in order to build their confidence and to make them think out of the box. A few of such activities are shared below:

  • They plant seeds and watch them grow.
  • They make ‘jholas’ out of their old T shirts and spread awareness.
  • Our princesses play indoor games like carrom and table-tennis.
  • They exercise, skate, do Yoga and Aerobics to stay fit.
  • They sing and dance to traditional and contemporary songs.
  • They engage in activities related to re-use, recycle and reduce and also spread awareness about these 3 Rs.
  • They learn life skills like cooking without fire, table etiquette, stranger alert and self-grooming.
  • They are taught to be sensitive and respectful towards people who are underprivileged and not so blessed. Thus, they believe in giving and sharing.
  • The princesses are encouraged to explore the world outside the school boundaries through field trips and inter-school competitions.
  • They learn about festivals and learn to respect the beliefs and customs of different religions through assemblies, presentations, worksheets, show and tell and so on.
  • Along with this, they have the library to explore, outdoor play-station, the computer laboratory and the Intelligence Development Laboratory which is full of puzzles and toys to play with.