Hall of Fame

Let’s fan the creative spark in our kids with a little love, a little care, and a little motivation and then see the princesses turn into Queens!!!
In QVS various activities are designed in order to play a significant role in development of students. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and help in enhancing learning process of students at school. Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. So, to create memories with our little princesses co-curricular activities are made compulsory , which are important for every student to participate in.

 It gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. They actually complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the “Art of living and working together.” They are the true and practical experiences gained by students by their own learnings.

Achievements @ In-House Level
Achievements @ Inter School Level
Achievements @ Olympiad Level